Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Surrey Schools Visits

Last week I was lucky enough to spend time with kids from St Paul's School and Furzefield School, Surrey, designing characters and discussing story-planning. Two lovely folks from Surrey Libraries escorted me to the schools, fed me, and watched supportively while I jabbered, doodled and signed books (huge thank you to Tom and Jenny!).

In Miss Booker's Year 4 class at Furzefield, the children played some facial-expression games, before launching into designing their own expressive animal characters. We then pretended to interview the drawings, asking them why they felt so angry/ joyful/ dismal, to spark ideas for stories. Here are a few examples of the kids' fantastic creations...

 Fighting the temptation to get this eagle printed onto a t-shirt! Absolutely love him.

What a conundrum! Eat your only friend, or starve?!

 Nigel the Bat. A gizmo-obsessed Rambo-type, with a most excellent name.

"She found something sparkly!"


Well done, Furzefield. Gorgeous, hilarious, inspiring work!